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These general conditions of sale (hereinafter the "GSC") together with the Sections "Privacy Policy" and "Legal Notes" are applicable to the website (hereinafter "the PARAH Online Store") which offers the sale of PARAH brand lingerie, toiletries and accessories (hereinafter the "Products").

The Products are sold directly in the PARAH Online Store by PARAH, a Société par Actions Simplifiée with registered office at 229, rue Saint-Honoré, 75001 Paris, France, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under number 948 063 896 RCS PARIS.

Any order placed on the PARAH Online Store and the subsequent validation of the corresponding box entails the complete and unconditional acceptance of these GCS by the customer making a purchase (hereinafter the "Customer"). These GCS can be saved and/or printed and are accessible from all pages of the PARAH Online Store. They can be modified at any time and the applicable conditions are those that the Customer accepts at the time of the order and which are accessible from the order confirmation email.

In the PARAH Online Store, PARAH offers the sale of the Products to non-professional Customers who have the status of consumers, over the age of 18 and with full legal capacity. Sales are made at retail for strictly personal use.

In general, PARAH reserves the right to refuse any order of Products that has an abnormal character, in particular in the case of orders in quantities and/or amounts considered unusual by PARAH.

For any questions regarding your order, PARAH provides the Customer with a Customer Service that can be contacted via the "Contact us" link.

The PARAH online shop is available in French, English and Italian.

The Products offered for sale in the PARAH Online Store are described and presented with the greatest possible precision (specifications, illustrations, dimensions, composition...). However, the Customer is invited to refer to the description of each available Product by clicking on each "Product Sheet" to learn about its properties and particularities, in particular with regard to the characteristics sought, the choice and purchase of a Product being under its sole responsibility.

The prices applied are those present in the PARAH online store at the time of the order.

The Customer is informed that prices are subject to change. Therefore, in the event that the Customer has created a customer account, the prices displayed in the "My orders" section accessible from the "Log in / My account" area on the orders summary page correspond to the prices paid by the Customer at the time of his orders. previous orders. The Customer is therefore invited to pay attention to the price in force at the time of the order, which is brought to his attention when the product is placed in the cart. Prices will be indicated in Euros (€) including VAT, except for the countries listed in Article 3 below, and do not include the costs of delivering the order (hereinafter the "Delivery Costs"). These Delivery Costs will be indicated to the Customer on the cart validation page and on the order summary page before validation and payment of the order.


The Customer is invited to select the chosen Products and place them in the cart by clicking on the "Add to cart" button. At any time, the Customer can proceed to cancel the Products on the cart view page by clicking on the "Cart" icon available on all pages of the PARAH online store at the top right.

The Customer is invited to consult the summary of his order by clicking on the "View my cart" button. At this stage, you can check the details of your order, identify any errors in the data entered and correct them or delete one or more Products.

After validating the cart by clicking on the "Buy" button, the Customer is required to identify himself with his username and password to place the order using his customer account.

PARAH cannot be held responsible for the inaccuracy of the information communicated by the Customer. The customer account will give access to a personal area which will allow, among other things, order tracking and access to invoices.

To finalize his order, the Customer must:

- confirm your delivery and billing address or indicate a new delivery and/or billing address for the Territory.

- select the delivery method chosen from those proposed (delivery times and costs vary depending on the delivery method and are indicated in this phase).

- take note of the summary of your order.

- take note of these GCS and accept them explicitly by selecting the "I have read and accept the General Conditions of Sale" box before proceeding with the payment of your order.

- proceed to pay the amount of your order by clicking on the "Confirm payment" button, which gives access to the secure payment of your order.

The sale will be considered final only after confirmation via e-mail by PARAH of acceptance of the order to the e-mail address indicated by the Customer, who formally accepts the use of e-mail for confirmation by PARAH of the contents of your order.

PARAH reserves the right to refuse to honor the order in cases where it is abnormal, abusive or contrary to the provisions of the GCS. Likewise, PARAH cannot be held responsible if the correct administrative and/or technical progress of an order on the Site is disrupted by a virus, a computer bug, unauthorized human intervention or any other cause beyond PARAH's control. , or if a strong presumption of fraud appears or that fraud has occurred in any form, in particular in an IT way, PARAH reserves the right in this case to interrupt or cancel the order in progress. In these cases, the Customer will be informed via e-mail of the cancellation of his order and will be reimbursed for any sums paid before the cancellation of his order by PARAH.

The Products are offered within the limits of available stocks. Information on the availability of the Products is provided at the time of ordering on the Product page. If, despite PARAH's vigilance, the ordered Products are no longer available, PARAH will inform the Customer by any means (phone call or email) as soon as possible. No charge relating to unavailable Products will be made to the Customer's bank account in the event of unavailability of one or more Products.

Once the order is finalized, it is no longer possible to modify or cancel it. However, with or without the creation of a customer account, the Customer always has the possibility to exercise his right of withdrawal according to the methods described in Article 5 below.


The Products will be paid for in EUR.

The Customer will also have to pay mandatory taxes and duties, as well as any bank charges, which will always be his responsibility.

For all countries, payment for your order will be made via credit card (Visa, Mastercard and American Express are accepted), Paypal or ApplePay.

PARAH has implemented a secure payment system for any order placed in the PARAH Online Store.

The payment will be considered validated after confirmation of the payment agreement made by the issuing body. In case of refusal by the bank, the order will be automatically rejected and PARAH will be exonerated from any obligation and responsibility towards the Customer.

The Customer has the possibility to download his invoice from his personal space in the "My orders" section. In the event that the customer has not created a customer account, the invoice is available in the "Order Tracking" section accessible from the confirmation email.


PARAH delivers the Products ordered exclusively within the European Union.

PARAH delivers the Products ordered to the delivery address indicated by the Customer (hereinafter "Delivery Address") according to the delivery method chosen by the Customer at the time of the order. For detailed information on delivery methods and costs, please see the relevant FAQ section at the bottom of the main page of the PARAH Online Store.

Information relating to delivery methods is also accessible from the cart validation page and from the order summary page before paying for the latter. No delivery will be made by PARAH if full collection of the price is impossible.

The Customer will bear the consequences (delay in delivery, impossibility of delivery, return of the Products to PARAH, additional transport costs, etc.) deriving, if applicable, from the incorrect and/or incomplete nature of the indications provided for delivery and/or from the absence of the Customer at the time of delivery.

PARAH will do everything possible to ship the Products to the Customer as quickly as possible once the order has been placed, in accordance with the delivery method chosen by the Customer at the time of the order. However, in all cases delivery will be made within a maximum of thirty (30) working days from receipt of the order confirmation email, subject to availability of the Products as indicated to the Customer at the time of the order. In case of absence or delay in delivery, the Customer must contact Customer Service as soon as possible via the "Contact Us" section at the bottom of the main page of the PARAH Online Store. In this case, the Customer can request a new estimated delivery date from PARAH or cancel the order and receive a full refund.

The risks in the Items are transferred to the Customer upon delivery, i.e. when the Customer (or any third party designated by him) takes physical possession of the Items.

Upon delivery of the order, the Customer must verify the conformity and status of his order in the presence of the courier and, if necessary, issue all useful reservations regarding apparent defects (missing product, damaged package).

It is also up to the Customer (or any third party designated by him) to verify the number and condition of the Items at the time of delivery by the courier. If the package received is open or visibly damaged, or if all or part of the Items in the package are damaged, missing or do not correspond to the order, the Customer (or any third party designated by him) is invited to refuse receipt of the package or items Articles affected and to issue in writing the necessary and sufficiently detailed reservations to the courier (open package, package or item(s) damaged or missing(s) or not conforming to the order, etc.).

In any case, the Customer also undertakes to inform PARAH without delay via the "Contact Us" section at the bottom of the main page of the PARAH Online Store to allow PARAH to conduct an investigation with the courier and/or exercise appeals with the courier within the deadlines established by applicable legislation, if applicable.

In the event of missing, rejected or returned Items by the Customer in the circumstances described above, PARAH will refund the affected Items within 14 days.

It is specified that the provisions described above do not deprive the Customer of the right of withdrawal as provided for in Article 5 below or of the guarantees available to him as provided for in Article 8 below.

The Customer benefits from a right of withdrawal which allows him to return the Products to PARAH without reason under the conditions set out in Article 5 below.

For any other reason for return other than the right of withdrawal (non-compliant or damaged product, error on the contents of the order, etc.), the Customer is invited to contact the Customer Service of the PARAH online store who will provide him with the information necessary to satisfy your request, if possible, and possibly proceed with a new delivery.


The Customer has the possibility, without reason, to withdraw from his order within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of receipt of the ordered Product(s), the date shown on the courier receipt signed by the Customer being authentic. When this fourteen (14) day period expires on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, it is extended until the first following business day.

Products such as lingerie or swimwear are not subject to the right of withdrawal if they have already been worn by the Customer.

To exercise his right of withdrawal, the Customer can notify his decision to withdraw:

- By directly returning the Product (according to the process described below) after having previously filled out the withdrawal form provided for this purpose on the website, accessible from the "My orders" section accessible from the "Log in / My account" of the menu;

- By contacting Customer Service via the "Contact us" link;

- By sending PARAH by email or post an unambiguous declaration expressing your wish to withdraw on plain paper. This declaration must be sent accompanied by information regarding the items and quantities returned, as well as the name, postal address, order number and, if possible, telephone number and email address of the Customer to following address: PARAH, 229 rue Saint-Honoré, 75001 Paris.

To return one or more Products, the Customer must return them within fourteen (14) days from the date of notification of the exercise of the right of withdrawal to PARAH by post using a prepaid shipping label provided by PARAH and to be printed by the Customer to return the Products for free. The Customer will follow the instructions indicated on the prepaid label to be placed on the return package. No return costs will be reimbursed by PARAH to the Customer if the latter decides not to use the prepaid label to be printed.

Each Product must be returned new, unworn, not dirty, with its original packaging and labels. In the event of depreciation of the Product resulting from handling other than that necessary to establish the nature and characteristics of the Product, PARAH reserves the right to refuse a refund or replacement of the Product.

PARAH will not make any refund if the Products returned by the Customer do not correspond to the Products ordered or come from another origin than the PARAH Online Store.

The Products cannot be returned to a PARAH store or to a point of sale that sells PARAH brand items.

Return costs will be borne by PARAH, with the exception of returns from the Spanish Islands and Greece which will remain the responsibility of the Customer.

PARAH will refund the returned Products in accordance with the methods set out in points 5.1 and 5.2, as well as any Delivery Costs paid by the Customer by crediting the payment method used by the Customer for the payment. In the event of a partial return of the Products, the Delivery Costs will not be reimbursed by PARAH, to the extent that the Customer has benefited from the delivery service for the retained Products.

The refund will take place within a maximum of fourteen (14) days from (i) the date of receipt of the Product(s) by PARAH or (ii) the date on which the Customer provided proof of shipment of the Products (the date considered will be that of the first of these facts).


No complaints will be taken into consideration and no exchange of Products ordered on the PARAH Online Store can be made in a PARAH branded store or in a point of sale where PARAH branded Products are sold.


PARAH cannot be held responsible for the violation of one of its obligations if the poor execution of the contract results from a case of force majeure, from an act or omission of the Customer, from an unforeseeable and insurmountable fact of a third party to the contract or from an obstacle independent of PARAH's will which PARAH could not reasonably foresee at the time of signing the contract with the Customer and the consequences of which cannot reasonably be avoided or overcome by PARAH.


PARAH is bound by the legal guarantee of conformity and that relating to defects in the thing sold (1).

Based on the legal guarantee of conformity, the Customer:

- has a period of two (2) years from delivery of the product to take action against PARAH;

- when repair is possible, you can choose between repairing or replacing the product, without prejudice to the cost conditions provided for in article L. 217-9 of the French Consumer Code;

- is exempted from providing proof of the existence of the lack of conformity of the product during this period.

The legal guarantee applies independently of any commercial guarantee that may be offered.

The Customer may decide to implement the guarantee against hidden defects of the thing sold pursuant to articles 1641 to 1648 and 2232 of the French Civil Code and in this case he may choose between the termination of the sale or a reduction of the sales price pursuant to of article 1644 of the French Civil Code.

The Customer is required to verify that the Products received correspond to the order and, in the event of a lack of conformity or a hidden defect pursuant to the corresponding legal guarantees, he must contact the Customer Service of the PARAH Online Store which will provide him with the necessary information relating to the return of the Products and their replacement or refund.

(1) Article L217-4 of the Consumer Code: The seller delivers goods that conform to the contract and is liable for defects in conformity existing at the time of delivery. He is also liable for defects of conformity resulting from the packaging, assembly instructions or installation when this was his responsibility under the contract or was carried out under his responsibility.

Article L217-5 of the Consumer Code: The good complies with the contract:

1° If it is suitable for the use normally expected of a similar good and, if applicable:

- if it corresponds to the description provided by the seller and has the qualities that the latter presented to the buyer in the form of a sample or model;

- if it presents the qualities that a buyer can legitimately expect based on public declarations made by the seller, the manufacturer or his representative, in particular in advertising or labelling;

2° Or if it has the characteristics defined by mutual agreement between the parties or is suitable for any special use sought by the buyer, brought to the attention of the seller and which the latter has accepted.

Article L217-12 of the Consumer Code: The action resulting from the lack of conformity expires within two years of delivery of the goods.

Article L217-16 of the Consumer Code: When the buyer requests from the seller, during the period of the commercial guarantee granted during the purchase or repair of a movable property, a repair covered by the guarantee, any period of immobilization of at least seven days is added to the duration of the remaining warranty. This period starts from the buyer's request for intervention or from the making available for repair of the good in question if this making available occurs after the request for intervention.

Article 1641 of the Civil Code: The seller is obliged to guarantee for hidden defects of the thing sold which make it unsuitable for the use for which it is intended or which reduce this use so much that the buyer would not have purchased it or would have given it a lower price if he had known them.

Article 1648 paragraph 1 of the Civil Code: The action resulting from hidden defects must be brought by the buyer within two years of discovery of the defect.

The Customer is also informed of the existence of the regime of legal guarantees applicable in his country of residence and subject to national conditions.

If the Products returned by the Customer do not correspond to the Products ordered or do not come from the PARAH Online Store, PARAH will not be held to the obligations described in articles 8.1 above.

It should be noted that the legal guarantees do not cover damage or defects resulting from an external cause (accident, impact, etc.) or from an error by the Customer resulting from use or use that does not conform and/or is not adequate for the characteristics of the Product.

Likewise, this article does not apply if the Products have not been purchased on the Site, to the extent that in this case the legal guarantees are due by the seller from whom the Items were purchased.


PARAH invites the Customer to consult the "PARAH Policy relating to online data protection" by clicking on the following link to obtain more information on how PARAH processes personal data and the Customer's rights related to them.


These GCS, as well as any order placed in the PARAH Online Store, are subject to French law, with the exception of provisions that would refer to the mandatory application of a foreign law. However, the application of French law cannot deprive the Customer of the level of protection provided by the provisions of mandatory laws of his country of habitual residence.

In the event of a dispute regarding the PARAH Online Store, these GTC and/or an order, PARAH invites the Customer to contact Customer Service at the number indicated in the "Contact Us" section at the bottom of the main page of the PARAH Online Store to submit his complaint and try to find an amicable solution with PARAH.

In the absence of an amicable agreement with the Customer Service of the PARAH Online Store, the Customer can submit the dispute to the consumer mediator CMAP (Paris Mediation and Arbitration Center) accessible at the following URL: or to the following postal address: CMAP (Consumer Mediation Service) - 39 avenue Franklin D.Roosevelt – 75008 Paris, or to the European Commission via its online dispute resolution platform available at the following link: https://ec.europa .eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home.chooseLanguage, in accordance with Directive 2013/11 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 relating to the out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes and the Regulation ( EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 relating to the online resolution of consumer disputes. Regardless of the method used to submit the dispute to the mediator, for the mediation request to be acceptable, it must contain: postal address, e-mail address and telephone number, a short summary of the facts and evidence of the measures already taken with Customer Service of PARAH.

Disputes for which the request is manifestly unfounded or abusive, or have previously been examined or are being examined by another mediator or a court, or if the Client cannot be reviewed by a mediator, may not be subject to review by a mediator. submitted your request to the Ombudsman within more than one year of your written request to PARAH,

or if the dispute does not fall within the competence of the mediator, or finally if the consumer does not demonstrate that he has attempted to resolve the dispute directly with PARAH through a written request.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, if an amicable solution is not found (including via the mediation process described above) or if the Client wishes to directly bring his claim or dispute to a court without following an amicable resolution process, the French jurisdictions will be territorial competent to hear any dispute, unless legal provisions to the contrary which would refer to the mandatory jurisdiction of a foreign jurisdiction.